Tuesday, April 28, 2009

9 of 12 Vietnam Saigon

My first stop after the airport was Saigon and I was not sure what to think. The hotel was interesting with a paddle fan on the ceiling and little lizards running around on the walls. It reminded me of some old movie like Casablanca. The whole thing was rather bazaar and I was told I would be staying at the hotel for a week or so and to make myself at home. I was also warned about the beer, bars and broads and to stay out of trouble.

After getting some much needed rest from my long journey I finally left the hotel the next day and ventured out with the wild life. My first daylight glimpse of downtown Saigon was dirt roads lined with merchants and two bazillion motor scooters operated by women going every which way up and down the road. The girls were dressed in silk gowns that were full length and down to their feet. They road their motor scooters with both legs on one side and in a trivial manor as to suggest the absence of a destination. The only driving rule was the bigger vehicles had the rite of way. The traffic pattern was truly the definition of kayos.

There was no sign of a war going on here. The mail occupants were from several different countries English, French, Australian and Korean to name a few and the assortment of uniforms made it obvious that Saigon was some kind of a Military tourist attraction. Behind the street venders there were bars, bars and more bars. I walked around and canvassed a few blocks in each direction and that was enough excitement for my first day out. Jim Raab


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